Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas update

Mom and Dad spoiled me and Daisyboo this Christmas. So did Gramma Helen and Great Gramma Fern. My foster mom Alicia made mom and dad the CUTEST flip book of picture ALL OF ME! We also got fleece cat nip flish me and Daisy fight over. There should be no problem there is two of them but I like to take them both and Daisy has none.

We got a plane

Mom and Dad installed a nanny cam to watch us while they are at work

We got little mechanical toys

I am obsessed with shoulders lately.
Glad she's a cuddler
New trick

Mom even put me and Daisy on her fancy book
Nook book!

I hear I am a big bully to black cats. Here is me with Osita my biological sister when I am about 6 weeks old

This is Daisy the other day. I will be 7 months old on Saturday. I like to ride Daisy like she is a pony down the hall while she screams.

Oh and did you know I am a fighter pilot?

Click to enlarge you will be glad you did.

I was real good on my second car trip. I cried a little when we left Gramma Helens. I really liked the stairs and running up and down them. I also liked how much stuff they had to SCRATCH!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The reason you are really here! Photos of me!

Oh and mom wants this!

I haven't been blogging enough but I assure you I have been up to my shenanigans!
Here are some recent photos of me.

He is telling the truth

Sometime Dad tells people stories about things I do and the people don't believe him. This time mom got it on camera. Right after this I jumped on dad's head then hung off his side and fell. Mom was laughing too hard to get that on film.

Friday, December 11, 2009

I love my mom

I like to climb up on her chest when she is on the couch and nuzzle her chin. I sleep with her everynight too curled up under the covers with my feet in her back.

Monday, December 7, 2009

My weekend

I slept
I tried on makeup
You're too young!
I slowly creeped out of my bed as I slept
someone was falling out of their bed as they slept
I stole mommy's scarf

Oh and dad made pancakes that look like Daisyboo, me and then an action shot of me.
Daisyboo, Waffle and action shot

Saturday, November 28, 2009

I got to go with mom and dad for Thanksgiving so could monitor my stitches. This was my first big car trip. I was SUCH a good girl. Once we got there I hid for about 36 hours. When I did come out I was very well behaved. Mom only had to untangle my claws from gram's lace curtains once. Daisyboo cries and cries and cries and then starts to hyperventilate she is crying so much in the car and gets sick every time so we just left her home. I was an angel. I didn't say BOO. I was agreeable and quiet and even took a nap. We stopped off at a place on the way that makes gluten free food. Mom cut up some chicken for me, I LOVED it. This was my first taste of cooked chicken. On Thanksgiving I got TURKEY and smashed sweet tater. I smushed the taters around and made a mound but the turkey was another story. My grandpa even laid on the floor and was trying to get me to come out from under the bed. My great grandparents don't like cats but they seemed to be smitten with me. I do that to even the most hardened non-cat person!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I'm 5. I am still a little girl.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Waffle After Surgery

I had my big girl surgery this weekend. I made my parents a NERVOUS WRECK. My pain medicine made me tweak and act like I thought I was a very fast super hero.
But I have been sleeping a lot.
Here is me snoring. (turn up volume)

Here is me sleeping on bed. I like to be tucked in and in the middle.
Here is me sleeping on the couch the night of surgery.
sleeping under the snuggie
Dad sat on the floor so I could have the couch.
taking up the couch

Here is my belly with my surgery staples.

The nurse told mom and dad to spoil me I just had surgery. So I had some cupcake, bacon corn muffin, corn, turkey and a french fry! Don't worry I only got a bite of each thing and they made sure they were all safe. Here is me with my favorite corn.

Oh and you may call me by my new nickname Lady Wa Wa I love that Ga Ga lady!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Lover and fighter

I make mom and dad and daisyboo mad a lot with my aggressive nature. I like to pounce attack and bite. I am only playing but I have too much energy. I always make up for it with lots of cuddling though. I really love to cuddle with mom.

Mom is my BFF.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Like mother like daughter

Mommy took this picture of herself today.

She thinks she looks a bit evil in it. Someone suggested it looked like this photo of me.

Does that mean I look evil? Mom says yes.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Waffle day I dunno I AM A CAT

So I hear there were complaints I don't post enough. Well I am too busy terrorizing the household or sleeping and cuddling.

Here are some highlights from the past few weeks.

Dad let me have soda (ok no he didn't but it was a photo op)
Worst nightmare
I like to cuddle a lot
When I am sleeping you can pretty much move me anywhere you want.

I have discovered a hidden talent for drawing
kitteh prodigy

Mom has been teaching me about good oral hygiene. I like to grab the brush and try and do it myself.
Such a good kitteh

I think I am human sometimes.
Ok I got the camera ready do it again

I will eat just about anything except gluten free cupcakes. I will lick the frosting off though.
waffle eating cookie (don't worry I am only allowed tiny tiny bites)

Oh and I will pose for the camera if you ask me to.
anyone know how to stunt a kitten's growth?

Friday, October 2, 2009

Waffle update

I scratched mommy BAD. I was running 56 MPH down the hall, across the living room up her across her chest and I spilled water on her, the couch, the floor, her pjs and the couch blanket oh in the process I cut mom so bad she was bleeding. When dad got home they wrestled me down and found the one sharp long nail they missed when I got my manicure last week.
Sorry mommy.
No I'm not I will probably do it again tomorrow.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Daisyboo update

The little one went to the vet. I hid when I heard the carrier. I still acted pissed off when mom and dad came home even though I didn't have to go.
It's been months! I sat on mom briefly for the first time in month. She wasn't allowed to touch me or move. She moved her leg because it was asleep and I ran away. I act like I am too good to play with what used to be my favorite toy now that waffle likes it. Waffle kept sneaking over the wall into the kitchen the other night so I climbed up on a chair over looking the kitchen and told on her every time she went in the kitchen. I would sound the alarm. MEOW MEOW MEOW until dad came to see what was going on. I would just look forward as if to say LOOK SHES IN THE KITCHEN AGAIN. The next day they took the walls down. They got tired of climbing over them to take waffle out of te frying pan on the stove.

Waffle update

I got my 16 week shots this weekend. The made me a little sicky. I had the shivers Saturday night late. I couldn't stop shaking. Mom had me bundled up tight in a blanket until I fell asleep.
Now this is the life
Mom likes to bundle me in her hoodie. Dad tried it and my legs kept popping out. He had bad form.
I got something in my hoodie.
On Sunday everyone took a nap on the bed. I was spread out as long as I can and mom was hugging me. I like to be tucked under the covers.
Oh and the vet said I was 4.7 lbs. Mom thinks someones elbow was on the table and that he baby was 4 lbs tops.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Waffle Day 48 Dispatch

With the temperatures dropping I have been sleeping under the covers. Usually with mom. I like to lay across the bed UNDER the covers when she leaves for the potty so when she comes back she has to lay in a c shape around me. She doesn't want to touch me because they she just has to go back to the bathroom and wash her hands and I lay across again. I refuse to move when budged too. Sometimes I decide to randomly bite what ever I am laying near in the middle of the night. Mom isn't a fan.

I like to hang out in the sink lately. Mom likes to turn it on and watch me drink and use my hand. She says it slays her.

Over the weekend I helped mom make cupcakes. By help I hung out in her hoodie while she made them.

Oh I like to play with toilet paper too. lots. I like it a lot a lot.

This morning while mom was trying to take a picture of her makeup I decided I wanted to get in on the photo and snuck up behind her.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Waffle Day 41 dispatch

I, Waffle like to eat gluten free waffles.

Other things I like to eat

Things Daisy likes to eat:

Dad gave me a piece of crepe the other day and Daisy got all bent out of shape and came over in a huff. So dad gave her a piece, she sniffed it and made a poop face and walked away.
So I ate it.

Don't worry mom and dad only give me tiny tiny tiny bites and they are all gluten free and the vet said its OK.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Waffle Day 31 Dispatch

This was a big weekend for me. I went to the vet for my first big check up and to get some of my 12 week shots. I hear I was very expensive. (mom here... almost $500 for her and Daisyboo. OY VEY) and I was a very good girl. I didn't even cry in the car until Daisyboo had been crying for 10 minutes. So when she tired herself out I started in for her.

At the vet I got my leg shaved and some blood drawn. I thought mommy was gonna pass out. She got a little twitchy. But they didn't get a call, the vet said he would only call by 5pm if I had AIDS or Leukemia. SO yeah!! I also had some bum poking let me tell you I did not like that. I didn' t like that more than the shots and blood draw. But all in all I didn't make a fuss at all. When I made some tiny meows Daisyboo meowed out. Mom thinks she was asking me if I was ok.

OH and Daisyboo and I snuggled. It was the first time mom and dad had seen it. So of course they took a picture.

Dad did his best to not spend too much time with me this past month so I could bond with mom. And she and I snuggle a lot but when dad comes in the room I run over to him and snuggle down. Mom swears a lot.

Oh I haven't told you the best part. I have a new trick.

Mom yelled to dad "come here you HAVE TO SEE THIS" he kept saying what and she said no its a visual. I am pretty damn clever aren't I?

Today is my 13 week birthday!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Waffle Day 27 Dispatch

So I hear I am going to the V E T this weekend. I not skeeerd. I hear Daisyboo is a screamer in the car. I hear she cries until she hyperventilates then gets sick so she never goes no where no more except the vet once a week. Last time I went I was with all my brothers and sisters. Last night mom and dad found me and Daisyboo in the tub together. They don't know how long we were there or is we were actually getting along or plotting a takeover. It was so quiet no one knew we were in there. I held Daisy down and gave her a bath the other day. I am less than half her size but I pinned her down and licked her. She got up and threw me ass over teacups on the floor. I just chased after her cause I know she actually likes when I do no matter how much she yells to tell on me. I am not much of a talker. I only talk when I am falling asleep I yell out randomly or when I am in the potty. Daisy is a chatty cathy though. She has entire conversations with mom and dad. I hear she is much quieter since I got around though.

Mom is already pulling out my baby pictures and saying "remember when" she keeps asking dad "Does she look full size to you?" "Did she grow when we were at work?" "You think if I give her coffee she will stop growing?"
kittens 091kittens 058figletIMG_3424IMG_3434
figletYou can tell she is mine because I am already putting her out.