Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas update

Mom and Dad spoiled me and Daisyboo this Christmas. So did Gramma Helen and Great Gramma Fern. My foster mom Alicia made mom and dad the CUTEST flip book of picture ALL OF ME! We also got fleece cat nip flish me and Daisy fight over. There should be no problem there is two of them but I like to take them both and Daisy has none.

We got a plane

Mom and Dad installed a nanny cam to watch us while they are at work

We got little mechanical toys

I am obsessed with shoulders lately.
Glad she's a cuddler
New trick

Mom even put me and Daisy on her fancy book
Nook book!

I hear I am a big bully to black cats. Here is me with Osita my biological sister when I am about 6 weeks old

This is Daisy the other day. I will be 7 months old on Saturday. I like to ride Daisy like she is a pony down the hall while she screams.

Oh and did you know I am a fighter pilot?

Click to enlarge you will be glad you did.

I was real good on my second car trip. I cried a little when we left Gramma Helens. I really liked the stairs and running up and down them. I also liked how much stuff they had to SCRATCH!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The reason you are really here! Photos of me!

Oh and mom wants this!

I haven't been blogging enough but I assure you I have been up to my shenanigans!
Here are some recent photos of me.

He is telling the truth

Sometime Dad tells people stories about things I do and the people don't believe him. This time mom got it on camera. Right after this I jumped on dad's head then hung off his side and fell. Mom was laughing too hard to get that on film.

Friday, December 11, 2009

I love my mom

I like to climb up on her chest when she is on the couch and nuzzle her chin. I sleep with her everynight too curled up under the covers with my feet in her back.

Monday, December 7, 2009

My weekend

I slept
I tried on makeup
You're too young!
I slowly creeped out of my bed as I slept
someone was falling out of their bed as they slept
I stole mommy's scarf

Oh and dad made pancakes that look like Daisyboo, me and then an action shot of me.
Daisyboo, Waffle and action shot