It appears my first day let loose in the apartment during the day with Daisyboo was a success. Daisy met mom at the door and I cam trotting from who knows where I was hiding. Mom did a full body check to make sure there were no scratched and poke me some to see if anything hurt (like grandpa B recommended) I was happy as a calm. Daisyboo even kissed me in front of mom as she was putting her bag down. There is hope for us yet. Daddy wasn't home so I played with mommy for TWO AND A HALF HOURS non stop. I could tell I was wearing her out and she started playing from a laying position on the couch. I even discovered I am almost camo on this blanket. Then I took a champion 2 hour nap and woke up just in time for BED TIME! I was naughty and got locked up. I was biting mom's legs again everytime she moved.
I like to chase daisy around the apt full speed.I follow her everywhere she goes. She got tricky and jumped on the stool and over the wall into the bedroom. I can't reach the stool YET but I try my darndest and crash onto the ground. Mom says I am made of nerf. I don't know what that means but I bet it taste good.
Hi Waffle, you look really great in leopard blanket. I almost didn't see you! I met you when you were one day old. You're growing up so quickly, mini-runter-cutie paws. I hope DaisyBoo is becoming more of a Daisy than a "B." tee hee.