A few weeks ago I was perusing Etsy late at night and I came across. Ophelia's Apothecary and this photo for her pink sugar lip balm.
I proclaimed to Dave who was knee deep in homework. "KITTEN TOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Dave laughed because he saw it too. It looks just like Waffle's toes.
Waffle's toes change from almost white to a dark pink depending on how riled up she is. When she is being her doucheist they are the cutest hot pink color. We picked her based on her toes. Daisyboo is an all black cat even her gums are black. When Dave's boss' cat had kittens we said save us one with PINK TOES!!
In my probably should of been in bed state due to the late hour, I decided it was an AMAZING idea to email the shops owner with the above picture of Waffle and ask if she would be willing to make a custom lip balm for Waffle's first birthday (and giveaway) coming up! I explained to her I wouldn't be offended if she thought I was insane but could she make one where she just changed the color "name" to "kitten toes" Not only did she say yes, she went on my blog and found a PICTURE OF HER and put her on her normal label.

When it showed up on Friday I was over the moon. Not only was it friggin adorable but man oh man the formula is OUT OF THIS WORLD.
It smells just like a cupcake! (which happens to be Waffle's favorite thing in the world. Don't worry we asked the vet a little frosting is FINE) She was quite smitten with the smell.
It is so silky smooth and your lips are literally soft for hours. It has to be one of the best lip balms I have ever used. (And I own $45 La Mer balm. Seriously this is better)
Since we wanted to take a picture Waffle's toes were not cooperating. Usually when they are very pink she is being insane and wouldn't sit still long enough. But you get the idea.
Being a model is hard work.
I would highly recommend Ophelia's Apothecary. The balm and customer services are A+. I am sure some have lost what little respect they had for me. All I can say is you must not be owned by a kitten. My future kids are SCREWED.
P.S yes I did leave the plastic sleeve on the lip balm and I knew someone's eagle eye would notice that. I want to save it forever and ever. Only four of these lip balms exist! I had Dave carefully cut the label at the cap so I could leave it on mine.
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